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Onehunga Weed

Onehunga is a small annual weed that is active through winter.

Musky Storksbill

Musky Storksbill is closely related to Storksbill (Erodium cicutarium).

Mouse-ear Hawkweed

Mouse-ear Hawkweed is a perennial flatweed with an extensive underground root mass.


There are several closely related species in New Zealand that we will group the together in this section because controlling them is generally the same, however Hydrocotyle is troublesome in turf because it can tolerate many herbicides.

Hedge Mustard

Hedge Mustard is a member of the brassica family, a rosette plant with leaves similar to that of Dandelion.


Hawksbeard is often confused with several other weed species.


Hawkbit is a perennial weed often confused with Dandelion and several other weed species that also have yellow flowers and look quite similar.

Hairy Buttercup

Unlike Creeping Buttercup and Giant Buttercup, this species is an annual weed.


Groundsel is a small upright annual weed from the Daisy family.