Musky Storksbill

Musky Storksbill

Musky Storksbill is closely related to Storksbill (Erodium cicutarium).

Musky Storksbill can be an annual or biennial weed species. It needs bare soil to get established, so is generally an issue in damaged, disrupted or newly-seeded lawns.

Musky Storksbill establishes as a rosette, with each leaf made up of a series of leaflets that emerge from a central point close to the soil.
In unmowed turf, the leaves can get quite long and large rosettes can form.

During flowering, it produces stems that have small purple/pink flowers that are 10 millimetres to 15mm in diameter; these produce unique seed heads that look similar to a stork, which is where its name comes from. In turf, sharp seed-heads can be a problem for young children as they can easily pierce the skin.

Storksbill (Erodium cicutarium) appears comparable to Musky Storksbill, but is generally found in drier, less fertile sites.


In turf, a picloram/triclopyr mixture (Victory Gold, Triumph Gold, Tordon Gold or Conquest) will give good control. Likewise, a 2,4-D/dicamba mixture should give a reasonable level of control. Clopyralid will not control it.

Find out more about Musky Storksbill

Seed head


Erodium moschatum