NZLA is CLOSED for the Holidays – We open Monday 13th January orders will be shipped then. 



Oxtongue (Picris echioides) is a tall (up to 1 metre) bristly leaved annual or biennial with yellow Dandelion-like flowers.

It’s more common in the lower North Island and Hawke’s Bay, although can be found in many parts of New Zealand. It can flower year-round in warmer regions, but generally flowers from August to May.

The leaves, branches and stems are all covered in thick bristles. Oxtongue flowers are similar to that of Dandelion.


Oxtongue can be controlled with a variety of herbicides including picloram/triclopyr mixture (Victory Gold, Triumph Gold, Tordon Gold or Conquest), chlopyralid (Archer, Vivendi 300, Versatil or Void), 2,4-D/dicamba mixture, or products containing ioxynil.


