Parsley Dropwort

Parsley Dropwort

Commonly referred to as Carrot Weed, Parsley Dropwort is a perennial, regrowing from the base every year, with flowering shoots sent up from October through to April. Generally, this species isn’t a problem south of Auckland.

The two weeds that Parsley Dropwort is most likely to be confused with are Hemlock and Wild Carrot, with are also from the Apiaceae family. All three of these weeds have white flowers in the form of umbels on top of upright flower stems. Parsley Dropwort has little swollen tubers on its roots, though these often aren’t very noticeable. These tubers allow the plant to regrow following control attempts.


In turf, clopyralid (Archer, Vivendi 300, Versatil or Void), MCPA (Cleansweep and Soft Touch) and 2,4-D will all provide control against Parsley Dropwort during the seedling stage.

Find out more about Parsley Dropwort

Young Plant

Oenanthe pimpinelloides
