Ready Lawn Aftercare

Ready Lawn Aftercare

So you’ve installed or are about to get a rollout lawn?

The most common question we get is when NZLA products can be applied to new instant lawn.

The turf must be laid the day it is received for best results. Before the turf is installed, a starter fertiliser should be applied to the soil (underneath the new turf). If the installation is done by a professional, this should be done for you. It’s worth checking as this step is often skipped by some contractors. If you are doing the job yourself, NZLA Starter is a perfect product. Apply at 1.5kg/100m²

Rye Grass Aftercare

Once the turf is laid, water it thoroughly until the soil is saturated. Maintain consistent moisture levels for the first 14-21 days, which is the establishment period.

During hot summer months, when evaporation rates are high, it is vital to keep the turf consistently moist. Apply water in the morning rather than later during the day to minimise evaporation.

Avoid excessive watering, as ponding can lead to scorching of the turf due to the water heating up.

Frequent mowing at the highest setting during the establishment phase is recommended to promote root development. Start with a mowing height of 40-50mm, and then mow every 5-6 days at a height no lower than 35mm.

Once the turf is established, maintain a regular mowing height of 30mm. Use a catcher to prevent leaf litter from accumulating and from creating an environment conducive to fungal growth. Ensure mower blades are sharp and alternate mowing directions.

Four to six weeks after installation, apply a quality slow-release fertiliser like NZLA All Seasons. At this point, you can also use NZLA’s foliar range on your new lawn.

Regular fertilisation helps maintain the colour, vigour, and density of the turf, reducing the likelihood of weed infestations and diseases.

Broadleaf weed control may be necessary using Triumph Gold.

Tall Fescue Aftercare

Tall Fescue is a cool-season grass variety known for its deep root system, which enables it to withstand drought conditions better than other cool-season grasses. It thrives in well-drained soils within the transition zone and is characterised by its dark green, coarse leaf blades and relatively high wear tolerance.

Immediately after laying the Tall Fescue turf, water it thoroughly until the soil is saturated. Maintain consistent moisture levels for the first 14-21 days, which is the establishment period. During hot summer months, when evaporation rates are high, it is crucial to keep the turf consistently moist.

Apply water in the morning rather than later during the day to minimise evaporation. Avoid excessive watering, as ponding can lead to issues.

During the establishment phase, mow frequently using the highest mower setting to prevent scalping and promote root development. Conduct the initial mowing 7-10 days after installation at a height of 40-50mm. Subsequently, mow every 5-6 days at a height no lower than 40mm (some Tall Fescue may require a minimum height of cut of 50mm, check with your supplier for ideal cutting height for the cultivar installed). Once the turf is established, maintain a regular mowing height of 40-50mm minimum.

Use a catcher when mowing to prevent the accumulation of grass clippings, which can create an environment conducive to fungal growth. Ensure the mower blades are sharp and alternate mowing directions with each cut to prevent graining.

Four to six weeks after installation, apply a quality slow-release fertiliser like NZLA All Seasons. At this point, you can also use NZLA’s foliar range on your new lawn.

Regular fertilisation helps maintain the colour, vigour, and density of the turf, reducing the likelihood of weed infestations and diseases.

Broadleaf weed control may be necessary using Triumph Gold.

Fine Fescue Aftercare

Installing Fescue turf during the summer months requires careful attention to watering. As soon as the turf is laid, it should be thoroughly watered. Installers typically set up sprinklers to begin watering as soon as 40-50 square metres of new lawn is installed. Subsequent watering should ideally occur in the morning, soaking the turf deeply. It is crucial to prevent water from ponding, as the sun can rapidly heat the standing water and scorch the grass. For the first 7-10 days, it is advisable to lightly water the turf during the hottest part of the day, between 2pm and 4pm, to help cool the surface temperature.

During summer, evapotranspiration (the combined loss of water from the soil and plant) typically ranges from 4-6 mm per day. It is essential to replace this amount of water daily as a minimum requirement. To accurately measure the amount of water being applied, place a container on the ground under the sprinklers and measure the depth of water collected.

Throughout the establishment phase, frequent mowing at a height of 35mm is recommended. Once the turf is established, the mowing height can gradually be reduced to 25-35mm. Always use a catcher to remove grass clippings and prevent litter buildup.

Four to six weeks after installation, apply a quality slow-release fertiliser like NZLA All Seasons. At this point, you can also use NZLA’s foliar range on your new lawn.

Regular fertilisation helps maintain the colour, vigour, and density of the turf, reducing the likelihood of weed infestations and diseases. This is a crucial component for maintaining a healthy turf after establishment.

Broadleaf weed control may be necessary using Triumph Gold.

Kikuyu Care Aftercare

Common Kikuyu is a warm-season grass well-suited for well-drained soils in transition zones or warmer climates. It is characterised by its underground rhizomes and above-ground stolons, making it highly durable, drought-tolerant, and resistant to fungal diseases and chewing insects.

After laying the Kikuyu turf, water it thoroughly until the soil is saturated. Maintain consistent moisture levels for the first 14-21 days, which is the establishment period. Apply water in the morning rather than later during the day to minimise evaporation. Avoid excessive watering, as ponding can cause the standing water to heat up and scorch the grass.

During the establishment phase, mow frequently using the highest mower setting to prevent scalping and promote root development. Start with a mowing height of 40-50mm, and then mow every 5-6 days at a height no lower than 35mm. Once the turf is established, maintain a regular mowing height of 20-30mm.

Use a catcher to collect grass clippings. Ensure the mower blades are sharp, and alternate mowing directions.

Four to six weeks after installation, apply a quality slow-release fertiliser like NZLA All Seasons. At this point, you can also use NZLA’s foliar range on your new lawn.

Regular fertilisation helps maintain the colour, vigour, and density of the turf, reducing the likelihood of weed infestations and diseases. This is a crucial component for maintaining a healthy turf after establishment.

Broadleaf weed control may be necessary every 6 months using Banvine or MSF600.

It is recommended to scalp (closely mow) the turf with a rotary mower in early spring, followed by applying a top dressing of NZLA All Seasons. While this may initially appear harsh, it promotes a leafier, finer turf during summer and eliminates the need for verticutting.

Couch Grass Aftercare

Couch is a warm-season turfgrass distinguished by its fine texture, deep green colour, and dense growth habit. It thrives in well-drained soils and performs best in transitional zones or warmer coastal climates. Couch exhibits superior durability, drought tolerance, and resistance to fungal diseases and chewing insects compared to common varieties. However, being a warm-season grass, it may discolour or enter dormancy during winter, turning light brown when exposed to consistently low temperatures or repeated frosts. It will regain its vibrant colour once warm conditions return.

Proper establishment is crucial for a healthy Couch lawn. Immediately after installation, water the turf thoroughly until saturated. Maintain consistent moisture levels for 14-21 days to allow the grass to establish roots. Morning watering is preferable to avoid the excessive daytime heat that can scorch the plants if water pools.

During the establishment phase, frequent mowing at the highest setting (35-40mm) is recommended to avoid scalping and promote root development. Once established, maintain a regular mowing schedule every 5-6 days at no less than 30mm high. Alternate mowing directions to prevent grain formation. After full establishment, the optimal mowing height is 25mm. Always use a sharp mower blade and collect clippings.

Four to six weeks after installation, apply a quality slow-release fertiliser like NZLA All Seasons. At this point, you can also use NZLA’s foliar range on your new lawn.

Regular fertilisation helps maintain the colour, vigour, and density of the turf, reducing the likelihood of weed infestations and diseases. This is a crucial component for maintaining a healthy turf after establishment.

Broadleaf weed control may require bi-annual herbicide applications, such as Banvine, following label instructions. However, exercise caution, as couch grass can be sensitive to certain herbicides.