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Wireweed is an annual weed from the same Polygonum family that includes Sorrels and Docks.

Wireweed is an annual weed from the same Polygonum family that includes Sorrels and Docks. Germination of this weed begins in early spring and can tolerate wet soil conditions. The flowers can be noticed during the summer months leading in to autumn. It can be easily identified by the pink/white flowers emerging from the base of the leaves.

The seed is a small nut that can last a long time in the soil, germinating some years later after scarification.


The active ingredient dicamba (Banvine or Bandit) can provide control, but should be applied during the seedling stage.

Once it gets older, Wireweed becomes more tolerant of many products such as MCPA, 2,4-D amine and chlorsulfuron.

Find out more about Wireweed



Polygonum aviculare