Triumph Gold – Herbicide


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Purchase this item and earn 7-29 NZLA Points


This is one of the best weed killer (herbicide) for your lawn, it control the widest range of lawn weeds.

Containing 50 g/litre picloram as the amine salt and 100 g/litre triclopyr as the amine salt in the form of a soluble concentrate.

Triumph Gold is a broad spectrum herbicide and will kill a wide range of weeds. This includes but is not limited to: cape daisy, catsear, chickweed, clovers, convolvulus, cotula, cudweed, daisy, dandelion, dichondra, docks, hawkbit, hawksbeard, hydrocotyle, mallow, mayweed, nettles, onehunga weed, oxalis (creeping), parsley piert, plantain, pearlwort, penny royal, ragwort, shepherd’s purse, sorrel, storksbill, thistles, twin cress, and wireweed.

Some weeds such as buttercup, selfheal, and yarrow will be suppressed, but not always killed. Perennial species such as Californian thistle may require repeat treatment.

Application Guide:

12ml per 1L of water per 100m² – Calibrate your sprayer to get close to 5L per 100m² of water use. This will result in a 60ml per 100m² application of the active ingredient.

Use Triumph Gold any time of the year but the best results will occur in spring or early summer when weeds are fresh and growing vigorously. Avoid drift onto desirable plant species, including small shrubs and trees, as serious damage may occur.

For newly-sown grass, wait till the turf is well established. This will be 12 months after sowing. Maintaining a vigorous turf by adequate watering and a good fertiliser programme will help suppress weed establishment. Any bare patches should be resown in the autumn.

For difficult to control or fully established weeds we recommend using this in conjunction with NZLA Sticker .

Important regulatory Information:

Clippings should not be composted for up to six months after application. Instead, they should either be disposed of in a landfill or allowed to decompose naturally on site.

Pack Sizes:

500ml – NZLA Gold – Same as Triumph Gold

1L – Triumph Gold

5L – Triumph Gold

Additional information


500ml, 1L, 5L

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